Vela Con 2024
Learning & Education,  My Life

VELA Con 2024: My Weekend with Education Rockstars

I recently had the incredible opportunity to take part in VELA Con 2024, the first national convening of the leading network of founders delivering alternatives to conventional schooling. VELA Con weekend was pure inspiration! I spent the weekend surrounded by amazing educaors who are revolutionizing education. I learned so much, built incredible connections, and left feeling fired up to keep serving kids and families through Homeschool STEAM. Today, I want to share my experience with you. Read on!

What is VELA Education Fund?

The VELA Founder Network is a beacon of innovation in the education landscape. They act as a catalyst for change, focusing on supporting a nationwide network of passionate education entrepreneurs reimagining how education is delivered. The VELA Education Fund recognizes that a one-size-fits-all approach doesn’t work, and they empower edupreneurs to develop and implement sustainable, non-traditional learning environments that cater to the unique needs of each learner. By providing early-stage funding, connections to valuable resources, and a supportive community, the VELA Education Fund is propelling a new wave of educational possibilities.

Closing session with James Tooley, author of the bestselling book The Beautiful Tree, sharing his journey across the globe visiting low-cost private schools serving some of the most under-resourced communities in the world. Today, Tooley has turned his attentions to exploring the new frontiesrs in education in America. He gave VELA Con attendees an early look at his forthcoming book, The Beautiful Tree in America, exploring alternatives to conventional schooling in the U.S. and featuring the VELA Founder Network.

VELA Con: New Frontiers in Education

VELA Con, the brainchild of the VELA Founder Network, brings this vibrant community together. This inspirational weekend marked my first foray into an education conference in nearly a decade (it’s been even longer since I set foot in a classroom), and the energy and enthusiasm blew me away. VELA Con provided an incredible platform for edupreneurs to share their groundbreaking ideas, fostering collaboration and knowledge exchange. Being surrounded by such a passionate group of educators actively shaping the future of learning was truly inspiring. It solidified my belief that innovative, personalized education is possible and within reach for all learners.

Education Founders Reimagining Education

Here’s a little photo recap of how my weekend went! I connected with many incredible people, including innovative educators and colleagues who are part of South Florida’s rapidly changing educational landscape. It was the first time meeting many of them in real life and that was truly exciting!

Vela Con 2024

In the coming weeks and months, I’ll be featuring interviews with educational founders and changemakers on my blog, This is part of our new Meet the Founder series, which shines a light on the inspiring stories of parents and educators, homescoolers and unschoolers, microschool owners and edtech startups, often underestimated and underrepresented. These innovators and changemakers are doing the vital work of dismantling antiquated school systems that simply don’t meet the needs of our 21st-century learners. Their inspiring stories are sure to motivate all of us! I aim to educate and spread the good word about the beautiful things happening near and far to change today’s educational landscape and build healthy, happy, empowered learners who grow into good global citizens. Stay tuned!

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