5 Stunning Gift Ideas for a Tech Mom
Valentine’s Day is almost here! Soon after that Mother’s Day will roll in. So today let’s talk gift ideas for the tech mom. I know you’re probably wondering what to get her. Today’s guest post shares five stunning gift ideas…
My Favorite Tech Gifts for Mother’s Day
Can you believe Mother’s Day is almost here? If you’re anything like me, you’ve probably had a busy start to the Spring season. Chances are you haven’t gotten around to your Mother’s Day shopping yet. Am I right? Well, not…
Why This Mom Wants All the Chocolate For Mother’s Day #OMGodiva
Call me old fashioned, cliche, or whatever else but this Mom wants all the chocolate for Mother’s Day! Really, on what other day can I truly indulge in some gourmet chocolate deliciousness without the guilt? Or without the need to…
Gifts for the Tech-Savvy Mom
You’re probably still wondering what you should get that tech-savvy mom in your life. You know we all have one of those types of moms in our lives! That mom that collects gadgets and is always up on her tech…
Mother’s Day Gift Ideas for the Tech-Savvy Mom
Mother’s Day is almost here! Do you know what to get the tech-savvy mom in your life? Let me share with you a few Mother’s Day Gift Ideas for the Tech-Savvy Mom. I want ALL of these myself! My husband…