Sell Your Baby Items and Services with MommyTrade
Don’t you wish you could just Sell Your Baby Items? Are you a Mommy that’s drowning in the clutter of unused baby items? Are you like me, holding onto them because you just feel bad throwing out. They’re still perfectly good! Right? Gently used. Some still new. Hanging there, tags and all! Can you relate?
Well, I’ve found the perfect solution to help you sell your baby items!
MommyTrade.com is a service that was created by a mom to help other moms sell and buy baby items. This cool website for moms promotes a safe environment through ratings. Also, 100 % of moms listed on this site are on social media, so you can always google them or throw their email address on Facebook to learn more about who you are dealing with and to make sure they are really a mom. Not only is it safe, here you’ll find great baby items at a fraction of the retail price!
What’s really nice about this website is that besides it being really easy to post and sell your baby items, it’s also really easy to find baby items you need at great prices. When you type in an item, the website will do a search within a 40 miles radius. For example, if you type in ‘stroller’ the website will pull strollers listed within a 40 miles radius of your location. The baby items listed are gently used and you will definitely save a ton of cash when purchasing through MommyTrade.com. You’ll even find unique handmade baby items and services for baby and mommy. All you need is right here on MommyTrade.com!

I recently shared MommyTrade.com on my #MommyAppyHour broadcast. You can view my video on Katch by clicking below.
Disclosure: This is a sponsored post. However, all opinions, experiences, and ideas posted here are my own unless otherwise stated. As always, I only share what I LOVE and think you will too!
If you know me, you know that I absolutely love supporting moms and the mompreneurs that cater to them. I think MommyTrade.com is a great community for moms to safely make a little extra cash, sell your baby items, find the items and services you might need, and even promote your own business that caters to moms and babies.
Sell Your Baby Items and List Your Services
Here’s what I love about MommyTrade.com
Created by a Mom
Jennifer Jones, mommy and business owner created mommy trade to help moms sell and buy baby goods and promote a safer environment by creating ratings for users on her site. You can learn more about Jen and her awesome MommyTrade.com website from her interview on The Weekly Business Hour with Rick Shissler. Click here to listen
FREE and simple to use
To list your gently used baby items you just select a category (and there are tons to choose from, for everything that mommy and baby could possibly need), complete a brief form that provides a space for item details and you can upload a photo (up to 4 can be uploaded per item). That’s it! Easy!
Safety built-in
MommyTrade.com users can be verified via their Facebook pages or other social media accounts. Safety tips are also listed on the website to guide moms on how to stay safe when meeting in public.
Supports Mompreneurs
Mommies often make and sell handmade baby items on sites like Etsy and Amazon that charge for the service. MommyTrade.com truly believes in supporting moms so they offer this service for FREE! Business owners can create an account and a company profile to start selling their baby items or services. You can add your email, website, social profiles, etc. and MommyTrade.com users (buyers) can then communicate directly with you or request shipment using the website’s message function. As a business owner, you can post unlimited items for free. It’s like a Marketplace just for moms! These posts can even be items from your own Etsy or Amazon stores. MommyTrade.com also helps promote businesses and entrepreneurs and you can use this as another marketing tool for your business. MommyTrade.com offers sponsored banners and sponsored “deal of the week’ content that is sent directly to MommyTrade.com users via email. I just love moms that support other moms! Don’t you?
Breaks through language barriers
MommyTrade.com offers translation for Spanish and English-speaking mommies. All you have to do is click the word ‘translate’ on the blue banner at the very bottom of the screen. I absolutely love that all moms can communicate and take part in this community, regardless of language restrictions. As a bilingual mommy myself, I truly see the value of this and will definitely be sharing this website with my Spanish-speaking mommy friends!
I recently listed a few of my own baby items on MommyTrade.com and have a boxful more to add. So what are you waiting for, head on over to MommyTrade.com and get rid of all those baby items you’ve held onto. Sell your baby items with MommyTrade.com!
Connect with Jennifer Jones and Follow MommyTrade.com on Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, Pinterest and YouTube
Please share this great resource for moms and mompreneurs so that other mommies can also make a little extra cash! Go ahead, click one of my social media share buttons on the left side of your screen. Thanks 🙂
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Jules Ruud
This is definitely something I’ll be checking out when I can finally bring myself to get rid of something, hahaha!
Jules I know what you mean! Lol! Hope it happens sooner than later, plus now you have the perfect resource to help you ? #noexcuses ?