Save Money on Holiday Shopping with My Favorite App – Flip
Are you still scrambling to buy last-minute gifts? Not looking to break the bank? Today I’ll share with you a FREE app to help you save money on holiday shopping and make it super simple for you to find great deals from different stores, all in one place!
Save Money on Holiday Shopping with Flipp
I’m not one to clip coupons or search through paper circulars. Because seriously, who has time for that! Still, I do LOVE saving money and hate when I miss out on a great deal! Well, I’ve discovered this app that can help you look through circulars, find the best deals and even clip coupons without being overwhelmed by all the paper. I’ve been using the Flipp app to find the best deals in my area and I can’t believe how simple shopping can be now that I have weekly circulars for all my favorite stores right at my fingertips! Just enter your zip code and circulars for every and any nearby store will pop up. Every busy mom needs this!!! Available for both iOS and Android, this app will simplify your shopping experience. Trust me! Say goodbye to paper circulars! I avoid those things like the plague. I’ll tell you that if and when I (very rarely) do pick up a paper circular, I usually just hand it off to the hubby because he’s good at finding the deals on paper while I run down the aisles after the kiddos. I have no patience for flipping through paper pages! BUT NOT ANYMORE!!! Now I let him run after the kids while I scroll through my pre-selected Flipp deals on my iPhone. This app is also great for keeping a shopping list at your fingertips. I used to keep my shopping list on my iPhone Reminders app. Not anymore!!! Now I have my shopping list, clipped deals and coupons all in one app and right at my fingertips. So go ahead download Flipp, shop simple and save some $$$. Adios annoying paper circulars!
Why I LOVE it
- This app delivers more than 400 local circulars right to your phone or tablet. Just enter your zip code and BAM there you have it! You will never miss a great deal again!
- Allows you to type in your own list and then shows you the local deals that match each item on your list. Genius!
- Allows you to tap and clip items as you scroll through a circular. It then places those clippings into a neat clippings section where you can use just what you clipped, no need to look at the rest of the circular again. This feature is also super convenient if you are a shopper who uses price matching to save extra $. For example, I know Walmart matches any competitor’s lowest price. Having that clipping from a competitor’s circular at your fingertips will make it super easy for you to walk up to any Walmart register and have them match the price. Happy and simple savings!
[Tweet “Still struggling to get last minute #holidayshopping done? Well then here’s an #app for you!”]
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