Reading With Role Models – NASA Astronaut Reads to Kids During Home Quarantine
As parents we’re all busy trying to entertain our kids at home during these unprecedented times. It’s not easy! Luckily there are some very thoughtful companies out there giving us a hand by providing top-notch content that is not only sure to entertain our kids but also provide them unique learning opportunities. Most specifically, FREE virtual events like read alouds get me particularly excited. And especially when opportunities like these feature interesting and inspirational personalities that I know will draw my own kids in. Like for example listening as a NASA Astronaut reads a book to kids!
It’s no secret that my family is into all things space! So when I heard that today, Thursday, April 30, NASA Astronaut LtCol Nicole A. Mann will read Most Marshmallows for “Reading with Role Models,” a virtual Story Time featuring everyday heroes, I knew I not only had to tune in with my own kids, but also needed to share it with all of you! Presented by Hullabaloo Book Co + Chronicle Books, this is a truly exciting and rare event.

NASA Astronaut Reads to Kids During Home Quarantine
Girls and boys alike will love the cute, quirky and inspiring book Nicole will read to them. They will also have the chance to hear her talk about her amazing experiences as an astronaut. I absolutely love that!
Reading with Role Models welcomes NASA Astronaut LtCol Nicole A. Mann
Here’s what to expect in the upcoming Reading with Role Models episode featuring NASA Astronaut Lieutenant Colonel Nicole A. Mann:
- You Can Be Anything You Want to Be: Nicole is the living embodiment of what it means to shoot for the stars and land on the moon. She wants kids all over the world to know that they can be anything they want to be. She will read Most Marshmallows, a story about dreaming big.
- Behind The Scenes: Nicole is the only female in the upcoming first crewed flight of the Starliner spacecraft. Along with reading a story, she will also share some of her amazing experiences as an astronaut.
- Attending the Event: Those interested in attending this free virtual event can sign up at www.readingwithrolemodels.com This episode of Reading with Role Models will air next Thursday, April 30 at 3pm EST/12pm PST and will only be available to watch for 72 hours! (Per NASA.)
About NASA Astronaut Lieutenant Colonel Nicole A. Mann
A graduate of the Naval Academy and Stanford and a Marine F-18 operational and test pilot, Nicole is the living embodiment of what it means to shoot for the stars and land on the moon. She is the only female in the upcoming first crewed flight of the Starliner spacecraft.

About Reading with Role Models
LtCol Mann’s episode of Reading with Role Models is a thrilling addition to the Reading with Role Models lineup that includes an ER Doctor, a biologist, sheriffs, firefighters, a young environmentalist, a Tony-nominated Broadway performer, and many more! Previous installments of Reading with Role Models can be found HERE
Reading with Role Models was developed to aid parents as they entertain kids stuck at home all day. A new installment of Reading with Role Models is available every Tuesday and Thursday at 3pm EST on the Hullabaloo Book Company website, on Instagram and will be uploaded to Hullabaloo Book Company YouTube channel within a couple of days.

In the days and weeks ahead I’ll continue sharing more resources with you, including what’s working/or not working for us as we settle into this “new normal” during the current Coronavirus Pandemic.
You are not alone and we’ll get through this together! Stay healthy and well my friends!
And don’t forget to “PIN” this so you don’t miss as NASA Astronaut reads to kids and other great Reading with Role Models episodes.

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