Summer Reading Challenge for Kids + 3 Fun and Easy Ways to Prevent the Summer Slide
These are most certainly some crazy times we’re all living through right now. The past few months stuck indoors, away from family and friends, tackling remote learning. But now summer’s here and school’s out and I’m finally starting to feel some…
NEW Camp Hullabaloo Book Subscription Series for Kids This Summer
It’s almost summer! What will you be doing with kids this summer now that we’re all pretty much stuck at home? One thing I plan to do a lot of this summer is READ with my kids! We just placed…
Create Interactive Images with Kids to Explore the World from Home
Parents and teachers are being put to the test as they frantically search for ways to help kids learn and stay entertained at home. Today I’ll tell you how you can create interactive images with kids to explore the world from…
Family First: Lessons Learned From My Latina Mom
Mother’s Day may be behind us but that doesn’t mean we should stop celebrating moms! Moms do it all. Every. Single. Day! We love our kids. Give so much of ourselves. Guide our kids through life and help mold the…
Moving With The Family: Everyone Can Help
Stress is one of the most common words associated with moving, but that doesn’t have to be the case for your move! The secret to busting through stress is as simple as getting the whole family involved – especially the…
How to Help Your Kid with a Reading Disability at Home
Does you child struggle with reading? Have you ever considered that they might have a learning disability when it comes to reading? If you find yourself curious about where your kids stand when it comes to their reading skills now…
Reading With Role Models – NASA Astronaut Reads to Kids During Home Quarantine
As parents we’re all busy trying to entertain our kids at home during these unprecedented times. It’s not easy! Luckily there are some very thoughtful companies out there giving us a hand by providing top-notch content that is not only…
How to Keep Your Work and Family Separate During Home Quarantine
When everyone in your household is at home because of the COVID-19 pandemic and related quarantine, keeping work and family separate can be challenging. Use these tips to avoid stress and stay productive. Here’s how to keep your work and…
30 Virtual Field Trips to Take With Your Kids at Home
It’s no secret that our family loves traveling. Now that we are stuck at home and can’t travel, I’ve been looking for other ways for us to visit some of the places on our travel bucket list without having to…
5 Strategies for Hands on Learning at Home
Transitioning to homeschooling and remote learning in the midst of social distancing can be a challenge, especially on short notice and with limited access to resources. It can also be physically and mentally hard on students, fostering feelings of boredom…
13 Eco-Friendly Movies to Watch on Earth Day with Kids at Home
Kids are never too young to learn to love and care for our planet! Now that we’re all stuck at home this Earth Day, I thought it would be a wonderful idea to plan an eco-friendly-themed family movie night. Eco-friendly…
6 Ways to Incorporate Books into your Child’s Day at Home
As parents now homeschooling our kids we’re all in need of ideas to help keep the kids engaged and have them continue reading! A great way to incorporate books into your child’s day at home is to choose a daily…