Tips to Help You Navigate Your Digital Lifestyle
I am so excited to announce that #MommyAppyHour is back…
Grab a cup of joe (or a mimosa) and tune into my Periscope channel
Join me every Saturday, at 11AM EST
If you haven’t joined me on Periscope yet, you might be wondering…
What is #MommyAppyHour?
- #MommyAppyHour is my weekly live broadcast on Periscope. You can find my Periscope channel by clicking here or learn more about Periscope and why you need to join right now by clicking here.
- #MomyAppyHour is the place where I share tips to help you better navigate your family’s digital lifestyle. I share one new app each week. It’s always an app that I absolutely LOVE and think you, your kids or family, will find useful. I demo how it works, tell you how I use it and share tips on how it can best work for you.
- #MommyAppyHour is a place for moms to come together and chat, share, ask questions, learn together… have a drink 🙂
- I LOVE APPs! Join me at our new day and time, Saturday at 11 AM EST
Tips to Help You Navigate Your Digital Lifestyle
Want a little sneak peak into a few of the fun things coming to #MommyAppyHour? I know you don’t want to miss out on this!
- #kidedition of #MommyAppyHour – Grab your kid, grab your mobile device (your kid’s too) and join us on Periscope. Every now and then my kiddo will be joining me and sharing apps he loves (and I approve of).
- #Giveaways – including iTunes gift cards (so that you can download some really cool apps), coupon codes for free apps, and FUN swag for your iPhone or other mobile devices.
- #TipsandTricks – Simplify your #momlife! I’ll be sharing tips to help you get the most out shared apps
- #bilingualkids – Are you raising a bilingual family? I’ll share some of the best language apps too.
- Lots of #Apps – I’ll help you navigate your digital lifestyle with cool apps and great tips to help you do just about anything your life calls for. 🙂
- and so much more!!! Join me on Periscope!
Don’t forget, leave me a comment below or find me on any of my social media channels. My handle is @NYCTechMommy on Twitter, Instagram, Pinterest or Facebook. Ask me a question, send me a suggestion, tell me about that cool new app you just discovered. I’d love to hear from you! 🙂
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I love Mommy Appy Hour. You have shared some awesome stuff, keep it coming. 🙂
Thanks so much Heather!! You are always such a great supporter of all I do! Love you girl! See you at the next #mommyappyhour 🙂
Phyllis @ VerifiedMom
Oh cool! I’ll have to be on the look out for your scopes! I am so completely addicted to apps so I am intrigued to see what you have coming up!
Thanks Phyllis for stopping by! I’m an app junkie! lol I have some cool stuff planned. Can’t wait to share. Hopefully you will find it useful 🙂