Learning & Education
Easy to digest tips and tricks to help your child learn better. Product reviews, book and app recommendations, expert advice, and more to help parents and teachers!
30 Virtual Field Trips to Take With Your Kids at Home
It’s no secret that our family loves traveling. Now that we are stuck at home and can’t travel, I’ve been looking for other ways for us to visit some of the places on our travel bucket list without having to…
5 Strategies for Hands on Learning at Home
Transitioning to homeschooling and remote learning in the midst of social distancing can be a challenge, especially on short notice and with limited access to resources. It can also be physically and mentally hard on students, fostering feelings of boredom…
13 Eco-Friendly Movies to Watch on Earth Day with Kids at Home
Kids are never too young to learn to love and care for our planet! Now that we’re all stuck at home this Earth Day, I thought it would be a wonderful idea to plan an eco-friendly-themed family movie night. Eco-friendly…
6 Ways to Incorporate Books into your Child’s Day at Home
As parents now homeschooling our kids we’re all in need of ideas to help keep the kids engaged and have them continue reading! A great way to incorporate books into your child’s day at home is to choose a daily…
Spring Break Activities for Kids at Home
Spring Break may be canceled in NYC but that doesn’t mean we can’t have some fun. I’ve been busy trying to find ways for us to continue learning from home while still having fun. Today I want to share with…
3 Ways to Learn with Minecraft During Home Quarantine
How’s everyone doing? These are most certainly stressful times we are all living during the Coronavirus Pandemic. Take a deep breath and remember that sometimes all we need is to get our minds off things — and the same goes…
FREE Online Resources for Kids Remote Learning During Home Quarantine
We are certainly entering unprecedented times now that our kids are Remote Learning during home quarantine because of the Coronavirus Pandemic. It’s new territory for all of us and we may be in this for the long haul as some…
5 Videos to Help You Talk to Kids About Coronavirus
I know we’re all feeling anxious and scared with all that is going on in the world right now related to the Coronavirus Pandemic. It’s surreal, I know! But can you imagine what the kids must be feeling? Their little…
Mindful Knight Minecraft World Teaches Kids Important Social-Emotional Skills
As parents and teachers, we can all understand the importance of our kids learning and refining their social-emotional skills. Reason why today I’m sharing with you a fun new way for kids to learn and refine these valuable life skills…
Celebrating 40 Years of LEGO Education & Launch of Spike Prime
Did you know that we’re celebrating 40 years of LEGO Education? It’s no secret that we’re big LEGO fans around here! There’s nothing more fun than learning through hands-on exploration, creativity, and building. Not only as a parent do I…
6 Great Apps for Kids
As parents, we’re always looking for new ways to entertain our kids and help them learn. Some of us turn to screens. Many of us run away from them! After all, preschool age kids shouldn’t have more than one hour of…
The Abound App: A parents complete guide to teaching kids to read!
It’s not always easy to figure out what skills our children need to become successful readers. As an educator, it’s no surprise that I’m constantly approached by parents who are not sure how to best support their children when it…