Live LIFE with tech
Tips for living life with tech and simplifying your family's digital lifestyle!
Celebrating 40 Years of LEGO Education & Launch of Spike Prime
Did you know that we’re celebrating 40 years of LEGO Education? It’s no secret that we’re big LEGO fans around here! There’s nothing more fun than learning through hands-on exploration, creativity, and building. Not only as a parent do I…
Pokémon Gift Ideas – Top Holiday Gifts for Kids
I can hardly believe Christmas is almost here! Can you? I’ve already shared Top Holiday Gift Ideas for Kids but once the holidays season rolls around, my kids are always asking for more gifts. This year my son is asking for everything Pokémon.…
Create a Special Bedtime Story with GoodNight Babies App
This is a sponsored post in partnership with GoodNight Babies. Create a special bedtime story with GoodNight Babies app! Family and friends play an important part in your child’s life and it’s often difficult to bring all these special people…
Experience Minecraft Earth at Microsoft Store this Holiday and More!
This holiday, head on over to the Microsoft Store and be one of the first to get a selfie with the Jolly Llama, the newest Minecraft Earth character. Move over Santa – this year’s best holiday photo might just be a selfie with…
6 Great Apps for Kids
As parents, we’re always looking for new ways to entertain our kids and help them learn. Some of us turn to screens. Many of us run away from them! After all, preschool age kids shouldn’t have more than one hour of…
The Abound App: A parents complete guide to teaching kids to read!
It’s not always easy to figure out what skills our children need to become successful readers. As an educator, it’s no surprise that I’m constantly approached by parents who are not sure how to best support their children when it…
Top Holiday Gift Ideas for Kids
Once again, it’s that time of year! I can hardly believe that the holiday season is almost here! Can you? Through the years I’ve shared many gift guides but the gifts I’m always most excited to share with you year…
Great Resources to Celebrate STEM Everyday
Today is National STEM DAY! A day meant to inspire kids to explore and pursue their interests in Science, Technology, Engineering, Art and Math. But in my honest opinion, STEM day should be everyday! Not only because your kids (like…
FREE STEM Badge Workshop: Microsoft Store and Girl Scouts Launch a New STEM Program for Girls
Were you ever a Girl Scout? Some of my fondest childhood memories are of the pre-teen years I spent with my Girl Scout troop — the field trips, the friendships, the inspiration, the conversations, the learning, the fun! Since today…
5 Tips for Raising Healthy Digital Citizens
Kids today are born with all kinds of tech at their fingertips. They’re pretty much digital citizens from the moment they’re born. As parents, we can become easily overwhelmed by all the new tech popping up around us and knowing…
9 Educational Apps for Summer Learning
Summer is well on it’s way and if you’re anything like me you’re already running out of ways to keep the kids engaged this summer. There’s no denying that summer days can drag on and the kids need things to…
What’s NEW from Catalyst at CE WEEK 2019
If you’re into all things tech and gadgets, like I am, you probably already know that CE WEEK 2019 is happening in New York City, June 12-13. Although I won’t be attending this year, there are several new products that…