Live LIFE with tech
Tips for living life with tech and simplifying your family's digital lifestyle!
OH Apple How I LOVE You! Apple Announces NEW Products – September 2015
Apple announces new products! And I’m flipping out! There is nothing I LOVE more than my Apple gear. I can’t live without it! My love affair with anything and everything Apple initially began in 2006 and it’s been going strong…
10 FUN Apps to Keep Kids Learning All Year Long
All NYC kids, including my kiddo, are now back to school! I still can’t believe how fast this summer flew by! Now that school is in full swing, it’s time to get back into learning (not that we stopped learning over summer).…
3 FUN Tooth Fairy Apps to Celebrate the Loss of a Tooth
As a parent how do you get your kids excited about the loss of a tooth? Is your kiddo scared at the thought of loosing a tooth, but excited about a visit from the tooth fairy? The loss of a…
ClassDojo Introduces Class Story
It’s time for Back to School! I know, I can hardly believe that summer flew by so quickly! Just in time for Back to School, today ClassDojo launched at great new feature that I am so excited to share…
Introducing Class Dojo Groups
If you follow me on twitter (and you should!) you might already know that I’m now a ClassDojo Ambassador! Woot Woot!!! As part of my new Back to School – Teachers Series coming this August, I’ll be sharing a lot more about ClassDojo.…
Must Have APPs for Parents – StoryCorps App Review
Must Have APPs for Parents – App Review Part IV Right before school ended my son learned all about immigration. Since then we’ve been watching videos about the topic online and reading a variety of books too. We even took…
15 FUN WEBSITES to Keep Kids Learning This Summer
Today is the last day of school in NYC! Yay! We couldn’t be happier! The carefree days of summer have finally arrived. But that doesn’t mean learning has to stop. Below you’ll find a list of 15 FUN websites to keep…
My City – Play in New York City Summer Series
NEW YORK, NEW YORK A CITY SO NICE, THEY NAMED IT TWICE Summer is almost here! Time for our family to step outside and have FUN in New York City! There are so many FUN places to explore, from parks to playgrounds, beaches…
Mom Balance: What It’s Like to be a Working Mom
The infographic below illustrates how moms are balancing careers and family. It’s a reminder of the hard work and difficult choices moms have to make each day. It’s not easy to find Mom Balance! How do you find mom balance? What difficult…
Celebrate Mom with the MomCo App
Must Have APPs for Parents – App Review Part III Special Mommy Edition Welcome back! This installment of Must Have Apps for Parents is dedicated to Moms! Click below if you want to see previous posts in this series 🙂 Must Have…
Mother’s Day Gift Ideas for the Tech-Savvy Mom
Mother’s Day is almost here! Do you know what to get the tech-savvy mom in your life? Let me share with you a few Mother’s Day Gift Ideas for the Tech-Savvy Mom. I want ALL of these myself! My husband…
Have You Heard About Online Minecraft Kid Camp?
What’s your kid doing this summer? Mine is going to Online Minecraft Kid Camp! My six-year-old son loves playing Minecraft. You can find him playing Minecraft or watching Youtube videos of others playing Minecraft on any given day. At first I…