$50 ToysRUs Gift Card Giveaway… Because the Holidays Are Almost Here!
The holidays are right around the corner and it’s becoming pretty hard to ignore, trust me I’ve tried. Christmas windows displays are beginning to pop up here and there, store shelves are suddenly stocked with Christmas tree trimmings and my kid is already talking about his letter to Santa. Then just yesterday I found the great big Toys”R”Us book of awesome stuffed in my mailbox. Yep! It’s getting pretty hard to ignore!
I must say, I do love getting this big book in the mail each year! This year it includes 95 pages of awesomeness for sure! Every toy imaginable is in this big book, from the Fisher-Price Bright Beats Dance & Move BeatBo, which I think my baby girl will love, to the Maccano Meccanoid G15KS Deluxe, which my big boy is begging for. It’s all in here! Awesome holiday finds are listed on each and every page! On page 5 you’ll even find a neat dear Santa cut out that kids can use to make their wish list. Ok, so now that the Toys”R”Us big book has arrived I guess I can no longer ignore the holiday madness that’s about to ensue.
Are you ready to start the holiday shopping madness? What toys are your kiddos really looking forward to this holiday season? Let me help you get your holiday toy shopping started with a little extra cash in your pocket!
From now until November 7th I am holding a Toys”R”Us $50 gift card giveaway over on the MomCo app. Follow the instructions below to enter for your chance to win! I’m sure that a little extra cash will come in handy as you get ready for all the shopping madness that awaits you. Good luck!!
Disclosure: This is not a sponsored post. However, I am a MomCo Brand Ambassador and love sharing my love for this great app every chance I get. I have not received any compensation from any of the brands mentioned on this post! I’m simply spreading a little NYCTechMommy holiday cheer… and bit of cash, that’s all 🙂
How to Enter
$50 Toys R Us Gift Card Giveaway from NYCTechMommy.com
Download the MomCo App, if you don’t already have it, which you should 🙂
Use my MomCo Code to Sign Up – NYCTECHMOMMY – see image below
Head on over to the Giveaways Section – see red arrow in image below
Click on the $50 Toys R Us Gift Card – see red arrow in image below
Press “Enter” and don’t forget to visit the NYCTechMommy Facebook Page
While you’re on my Facebook Fan Page I would absolutely appreciate a “Like” if you don’t already follow me on Facebook 😉
That’s it!
Thanks for entering and good luck!
Make sure to check out and enter some of the other awesome MomCo Giveaways!
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