ClassDojo Translate – Breaking Down Language Barriers
ClassDojo, the fast-growing education company helping teachers create a classroom community with students and parents, today announced the addition of “ClassDojo Translate” to break down the language barrier between classrooms and homes. ClassDojo Translate enables families to translate all classroom announcements into their preferred language, with just one tap. With teachers in over half of U.S. schools using ClassDojo, many parents previously left out can now play an even larger role in their child’s education.
As a bilingual teacher I appreciate the importance of being able to communicate with parents in their own language. From experience, I know that parents tend to be more involved in their child’s education when they understand school communications and are able to communicate with teachers in their own language. ClassDojo Translate is a great addition to the already existing ClassDojo features that make it easier for teachers and parents to stay connected.
Over the last thirty years in the U.S., the language barrier between schools and homes has dramatically risen. With over 22% of families not primarily speaking English at home (nearly double the share in 1980), many families are unable to learn more about their child’s education and, consequently are unable help out at home. Class Dojo translate now helps teachers and parents break through those language barriers and I LOVE it!
How does ClassDojo Translate work?
Teachers can post announcements to Class Story and parents can instantly translate it into their preferred language with one tap. ClassDojo Translate uses the Google Translate API.
After testing translation features over the past 6 months, ClassDojo Translate is now available for all ClassDojo teachers and parents on the web, and will be available on Android and iOS by mid-October.
You can learn more about other features such as Class Story by clicking here to read my previous post.

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