PledgeCents Helps With Classroom Needs
Please say it ain’t so… It’s almost time to head back to school in NYC!
As much as I don’t want summer to end, it soon will! The kiddos will be heading back to school, as will all my teacher friends. The other day one of those friends asked me for a little advice on getting ready for the new school year. Her questions got me thinking about all the great resources I could share, not only with her but also with you. It doesn’t matter if you’re a teacher, a parent or just the friend of a teacher or parent, I know you will love all the websites, apps and tips I’ll be sharing in my new Back to School blog series.
If you’re a teacher, go ahead and share all of this with your teacher friends. They will thank you!
If you’re a parent, tell your kid’s teacher, share with other parents and take advantage of these resources yourself.
If you’re neither a teacher nor parent, that’s okay! I know you’re a good friend who will pass these resources on to a teacher or parent you know.
To kick of this Back to School series today I’m sharing a great resource that I know all teachers out there, and parents too, will really appreciate! Why? Because it helps meet classroom needs and provides better opportunities for our kids. Please read on to learn more…
I still remember the long summer before setting foot in my very first classroom. So many teacher friends shared their stories of classrooms with little to no supplies, and never enough books. They also shared tips for how I should be getting myself stocked and ready for the new school year. “You can never have enough books so when you find cheap ones buy doubles” one friend told me. Another advised me to check circulars and clip coupons. And all of them seemed to agree that 99cent stores were the best place to find supplies that were priced just-right. Needless to say I spent that entire summer stocking up! I stopped at every single Dollar Tree store I came across; when driving down to Virginia Beach on vacation, up to Pennsylvania to visit family, out to Connecticut just for the weekend. I filled cart after cart with pencils, crayons, markers, glue, construction paper, tons and tons of cheap books, and a long list of other school supplies that I found on sale. That summer shopping spree got me through my first couple of years of teaching and I’ve been stocking up every summer since.
If you’re a teacher yourself I know that you can relate! I also know that you will spend at least $200 of your own cash this year, and very often a whole lot more, to buy the materials you need for your classroom. I also know that you’ll wish you had a little help. It may not be easy to ask for that help and you might not even know where to turn to find it. I know! Well, you don’t have to fund it all on your own anymore! Let me introduce you to PledgeCents.
I recently learned about PledgeCents, an online fundraising platform that helps teachers and schools raise funds for the materials and supplies they need. As soon as I heard about this great resource I knew that I had to share it with all of you! And not because this is a sponsored post, but because its an amazing way for teachers to get what they need and for all of us, parents, family, friends and companies to get involved in helping to build better classrooms!
Check out the video below to learn more about how PledgeCents works.
What I LOVE about PledgeCents (and think you will too!)
- Teachers, schools, and parent associations can all fundraise money for any need, supply, field trip and even technology 😉
- It’s easy to spread the word about your cause. Social media sharing and automatic email updates are available so you can easily let others know about your cause with only a few clicks!
- Additional opportunities to earn funds are available, including dollar for dollar matching campaigns that allow you to earn extra funds when you share your cause via social media. There’s even an options to give friends, family members, or local business the chance to match your cause, making it easy for others to get involved and invest in your cause while helping you spread the word!
- “Because every cent counts” – PledgeCents make it simple to raise funds for any need and if your cause is not completely funded by the end of your campaign, don’t worry! You will still receive whatever funds are raised, as long as you have a backup plan for how you will spend that money.
Want more reasons to LOVE PledgeCents?
PledgeCents was launched in January 2014 by high school buddies Ricky Johnson and Andyshea Saberioon. These young entrepreneurs were inspired after noticing their teacher friends spending hundreds of dollars out of their own pockets without ever asking for help. They realized that crowdfunding was a great way to get others involved and together they developed the PledgeCents fundraising platform. They saw this crowdfunding opportunity as a way to unite schools, teachers, parents, friends, and corporations and get them all involved in raising the funds needed to help our students grow. KUDOS to them for working hard to make a difference in today’s classrooms!
PledgeCents is helping teachers and schools get ready for the new school year now through September 30th with their #SchoolSupplied competition. There is still time to take part in this great campaign so head on over to the PledgeCents website to learn more and start your own cause. Let PledgeCents help you get ready for the new school year! And don’t forget to share this with someone you know. 🙂
#SchoolSupplied Campaign – How it Works
- Top 3 schools with the most points between Aug 3 – Sept 30 will win #SchoolSupplied Prizes.
- 1st Place = $1,000 worth of school supplies
- 2nd Place = $750 worth of school supplies
- 3rd Place = $500 worth school supplies
- The winning schools will get to choose their school supplies upon completion of the contest.
- You earn points by:
- Dollar Raised: 5 points
- Facebook Share: 10 points
- Cause Created: 20 points
- Every $500 Raised by your school (BONUS): 200 points
- Reach Your Goal: 100 points
I won’t be setting up my own campaign this year, since I’ll be home with my kiddos. However the plight of teachers is dear and near to my heart so I will be telling all my teacher friends about this amazing fund raising platform. I also plan to do my part by checking out some of the causes listed on the PledgeCents site and donating what I can, “because every cent counts”. I hope you will get involved too! Please do! 🙂
If you’re a teacher who’s already used PledgeCents to raise funds for your classroom, I would really love to hear from you. Share your experience and please leave me a comment below.
Wishing you all a successful school year, filled with learning, fun, laughter and all the supplies needed! And don’t forget to come back often to see what I’ll be sharing next in my Back to School Series. 🙂
Disclosure: This is a sponsored blog post and I received monetary compensation for writing it . However all thoughts and opinions are always 100% my own. I’m sharing this resource with you because I LOVE it and know you will too! 🙂
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