6 Ways to Raise a Giving Child
The holiday are upon us! It’s wonderful time to develop our kids’ character and teach them to give as well as receive. Here are 6 ways to raise a giving child. My family has started a few new routines in the past year that have helped cultivate empathy and kindness in my kids. We all know that kids benefit in so many ways when they learn to be generous and caring towards others. Plus, researchers have found that empathy is the cornerstone for becoming a happy, well-adjusted, and successful adult. Reason why today I want to share with you some simple ways to inspire generosity in your child. Read on!

6 Ways to Raise a Giving Child
1. Prioritize Caring
Talk about caring for others and include charitableness in family discussions. Celebrate moments when you catch your kids engaged in thoughtful behavior. Let them see you caring for others too!
2. Be a Charitable Role Model
Kids live what they learn. If they see you being giving and generous towards others they are likely to adopt those same qualities. Let them see you giving and helping others this holiday season.
3. Make it a Family Routine
Keep a box for items to donate. When it fills, deliver it to your favorite charity or shelter for the homeless. Have the kids choose some of their gently used toys they’d like to donate and add them to the box. Deliver the box as a family so that the kids feel part of the routine too!
4. Talk About Real Events and How to Help
Talk about how you can help a community in need during difficult times. At home also teach the importance of showing kindness towards family members that may be having a hard time or may be ill. Let the kids come up with ways to help!
5. Find Your Child’s Passion
If your kid likes to draw have them make a picture to thank a service person. Maybe they like to bake? Bake some cookies and deliver them to an elderly neighbor or a nearby nursing home. Take this even further and find a charity that may tie into a cause that your kid is passionate about. Volunteer or help them get involved!
6. Recap Their Impact
Research has shown that kids who are given the opportunity to help others tend to become more helpful, especially when the impact of their actions is pointed out. Celebrate their charitable efforts and talk about the different ways that their kindness has made an impact on the lives of others.
Some final thoughts
My hope is that in following these 6 Ways to Raise a Giving Child your kids will learn empathy and develop a charitable mindset. It’s what we’ve been working on in our family. A once-a-year day of volunteering isn’t nearly enough to adopt a charitable mindset. Still the goal of getting kids involved isn’t about winning the Nobel Peace Prize. It’s about giving them the opportunity to experience goodness. By taking part in simple activities such as filling up backpacks with school supplies for kids in need and making cards for sick family members my kids have learned that what they do is valuable even though they’re little. We’ve also found little ways to support our favorite causes and learned valuable lessons along the way.
Most recently we packed boxes of toys to donate to kids in need this holiday season and supported friends in their efforts to help others. These were the perfect opportunities to continue cultivating empathy and kindness in my kids. This holiday season I invite you to also find ways to raise a giving child!
Happy holidays!
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