You Won’t Believe What I Saw at World Maker Faire
World Maker Faire 2017 is coming to New York City this weekend and I CAN NOT WAIT!
I attended Maker Faire for the first time in 2013 as part of Hive NYC’s Summer Maker Dream Team. I had never heard of World Maker Faire until that moment. I was in for such a treat!!! Now I can’t get enough of Maker Faire whenever they are in my city. Maker Faire is coming back to New York and I’m ready to go!
World Maker Faire will showcase over 750 makers to engage, teach, and inspire attendees. Projects include performances and attractions, hands-on activities, demos, prototypes and new products, and all sorts of exciting things that will spark the maker in everyone. In addition, five stages will host a variety of steadfast Maker Movement leaders as well as up and coming experts for presentations, demos, panels, and interviews on many topics.
I’ll leave you with a few images from my past visits to World Maker Faire. Everyone is a maker at Maker Faire!
Hope to see you there this year!

You can also learn more by reading my post about EVERYTHING You Need to Know Before You Go to Maker Faire. Also check out the New York Hall of Science website to learn even more about World Maker Faire in New York City.
About World Maker Faire
About Maker Faire
Maker Faire is the Greatest Show (and Tell) on Earth—a family-friendly showcase of invention, creativity, and resourcefulness, and celebration of the Maker Movement. It’s a place where people of all ages and backgrounds gather together to show what they are making and share what they are learning.
Maker Faire will celebrate 221 Faires in 2017 and will engage more than 1.58 million attendees globally in 45 countries around the world. The 12th annual Maker Faire Bay Area welcomed some 1,200 Makers and 125,000 attendees. World Maker Faire New York, the East Coast flagship event, has grown in seven years to 930+ Makers and 95,000 attendees.
Located in San Francisco, California, Make: has been widely credited with jumpstarting the worldwide Maker Movement, which is a transforming force in innovation, culture, and education. The brands under the Make: umbrella include Maker Faire global events, Make: magazine, Make: books, and Maker Share—a new networking hub to show and share maker projects.
Here’s everything you need to know about Maker Faire New York – before you go!
Have you been to Maker Faire before? Will I see you there this year? Leave me a comment below and thanks for stopping by! 🙂
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