3 FUN Tooth Fairy Apps to Celebrate the Loss of a Tooth
As a parent how do you get your kids excited about the loss of a tooth? Is your kiddo scared at the thought of loosing a tooth, but excited about a visit from the tooth fairy?
The loss of a tooth can be an exciting time! Tons of toothless pics, which of course are sooo adorable! And let’s not forget the excitement and anticipation of finding the $$$ under the pillow. 🙂 Still, it can also be a scary time. Especially for kiddos who are just loosing a tooth for the first time.
My Big Boy has had a loose tooth for weeks now. Although it’s an exciting time, my kiddo is terrified each time he has a loose tooth.  So much, that the last time he had a loose tooth we had to take him to the dentist to get it removed.  He refused to let us touch it!  The baby tooth had over-stayed its welcome since the new tooth had already half way grown behind it. This time around I decided to get a little proactive in the mommy department to get him onboard with the tooth fairy.
Again, he refuses to let us touch it this time. Won’t even touch it himself and that poor baby tooth is pretty much hanging from a thread. So to help him along and make it FUN, last night he received a special visit from the tooth fairy. She left him a special note encouraging him to let mommy pull the tooth out with some of her magic fairy floss (which she left under his pillow). Can you believe that this sneaky tooth fairy then went on to take a picture of herself putting the floss under his pillow. Sneaky! I know. She even left the pic as the home screen shot on his iPad so that he would see it as soon as he opened his iPad.
You needed to see my Big Boy’s face!! He could not believe that the tooth fairy had been here for such a special visit. He’s now all excited about using that special floss tonight to pull out that tooth! He is determined to leave it under the pillow as the tooth fairy instructed him to do so. 😉
To encourage him even more, tonight he will also get a very special call from little Miss Tooth Fairy herself. Â Then we will use the fun calculator app below to figure out how much money the tooth fairy might leave behind.
What can I say, sometimes you just have to use some mommy magic to make it all happen! Kids love this stuff and I must admit that I do too. 🙂
Here are the 3 apps I used to get him all excited about the loss of his tooth.  They are not all free but totally worth it to see that sparkle in my Big Boys eyes. 🙂
3 FUN Tooth Fairy Apps to Celebrate the Loss of a Tooth
Tooth Fairy Was Here – Make Fairies Appear in Children’s Pictures Like Magic
Practical Money Skills for Life’s Tooth Fairy Calculator App
Hope that you will find these apps useful and FUN too! And please cross your fingers that Big Boy will let me pull out that tooth tonight. I hear that magic tooth fairy floss works wonders! 😉
How do your kids feel about losing a tooth? Do you have any tips for celebrating this exciting time in a FUN way? I would love to hear about it. Please share in the comments section below and thanks for stopping by 🙂
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