3 Easy Ways to Teaching Your Kids to Keep the Car Clean on a Family Road Trip
It’s about that time! You’ve saved up vacation days from work, spent endless hours creating an itinerary of places to visit, and you’ve coordinated stops along the way. Now you’re left with one of the easiest, yet daunting road trip tasks. Anyone can do it, but no one wants to. What am I referring to here? It’s cleaning! Today’s guest post shares 3 easy ways to teaching your kids to keep the car clean on a family road trip. It’s a much easier task if everyone chips in!

This is a guest post by Trevor McDonald
You’ll likely run into long commutes of what may seem like an endless road ahead. Let’s face it — during a road trip your family is practically residing in a vehicle for hours. That means trash will accumulate. It’s unavoidable!
Teaching Your Kids to Keep the Car Clean on a Family Road Trip
How do you get your kids to keep the car clean whether it’s maintaining an RV or even a luxury family car? Well, I’m here to tell you that this doesn’t have to be a cumbersome task. It can be done with a little bit of teamwork, discipline, responsibility, and organization. Are you ready?!
Practice what you preach
What you do at home can easily be practiced on the road. Remind your children that cleanliness applies not only at home and at school but everywhere. Get your children involved with the chores. Set a drama-free chore strategy from start to finish. Before the road trip, have your children help pack road trip essentials. This includes gathering extra plastic shopping/trash bags around the house. They can also do this along the way when stopping at gas stations, convenience stores, and restaurants. During a pit stop have the entire family pitch in to wipe windows, sanitize the interior, and vacuum the car mats.

Encourage responsibility
Children like to feel older. Appoint them in being in charge of their own space. Let them know that you are trusting them with the responsibility of keeping their area clean. They’ll love the idea that they’re in command and that you’ve empowered them. You’ll be surprised at how much more your child will listen! Encourage responsibility by awarding stickers, buttons, game time, or a small toy to the child that kept their space clean the longest or did the most road trip chores with the disclaimer of no whining. You may have to remind your children now and then of their road trip duties. Be patient and persistent. In the end, you’ll notice an improvement in your child’s actions. You can always teach a child, no matter where and how young, the importance of responsibility.
Get organized
Scheduling makes it easier on everyone. Create a road trip cleaning schedule. There are many ways to schedule times for cleaning. By the hour, by stops, or perhaps even create a game like, “every time we see a red car, it’s time to clean your space!”. It’ll keep your children interested. Not to mention, it’ll keep your car clean at all times.
YOU MAY ALSO ENJOY READING:5 Tricks to Keeping Your Kids Entertained On Your Next Road Trip
If you go
Keeping your car clean during a road trip shouldn’t be difficult. With discipline, responsibility, and organization your car will be tidy throughout your trip. Thus making the adventure more pleasurable for the entire family!
Safe travels!
Guest Post by Trevor McDonald

Trevor is a freelance content writer and a self-proclaimed “Travelholic”. He enjoys traveling to parts unknown, sampling local cuisines, and sharing his experiences with the world. In his free time, you can find him planning his next trip or outside enjoying about any type of fitness activity imaginable. He currently writes on behalf of Volvo Mall of GA
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